So my British friend Abby came to America in August. She ended up staying with me for 11 fun-filled days. For the first few days here she hung out with me in Kansas and did some random small town things! What an adventure!
I drove up to Kansas City to pick Abby up, but she had some problems and ended up coming in 2 hours late. Her problems continued when we realized her bag had not gotten to Kansas City with her. We arranged for it to be delivered the next day. Even though there were problems, it was nothing that Sonic wouldn't help! YUM! Strawberry Limeade Easy Ice please? Abby was the only person that I have ever seen order a hot dog...
One exciting thing that we did while Abby was here was teaching her how to drive my car. She doesn't drive in England, so this was a new experience for her! She went from just driving on my driveway to driving on the blacktop- a legit road! I was quite impressed! She even had to stop and wait for other cars to pass before turning. She's got some skills...

On Friday Abby and I made tons of pies, cookies, and cakes to sell at farmer's market to get money for our road trip to Colorado. We sold them on Saturday morning. Abby got quite competitive with one of the other venders, the Wilds. While I was in England, they started selling small pies as well, and so no they were considered competition.
On Saturday we picked up Leigh from the airport. It was great to see her again. I hadn't seen her in FOREVER! Actually it was only 2 weeks, but it seemed like a long time.
On Saturday we picked up Leigh from the airport. It was great to see her again. I hadn't seen her in FOREVER! Actually it was only 2 weeks, but it seemed like a long time.