This year, Ben and I had 3 Thanksgiving meals, and two of them were at our house! The first one was on Thursday night and we had Bill & Erin come over. The evening was very chill and we ate and watched TV and talked...
On Saturday, we went to MJ's house, which is always a bit of a hual. MJ lives about as far south of us as possible, so we usually end up taking a taxi when we have food that needs to be warm when we get there. We went last year to MJ's and this year it was a similar crowd of people with just a few changes!For this meal, Ben and I took a massive supply of mashed potatoes, kalico beans (one of Ben's family's recipes), and creamed corn. YUM!

MJ has a special talent in the kitchen so we knew this was going to be a good feast! Like last year we ordered the turkey and people split the cost of it.
The people that bake the turkeys for us seem to make a large profit. We saw turkey's at Costco this year, but the problem is is that no foreigner has an oven big enough to even put the smallest bird. They definitely take advantage of us...

On Sunday we had another Thanksgiving with a different crowd of people at our house. Last year Matt & Maria hosted, but with out large apartment, this year we were asked. I enjoy hosting (even though it is a lot of work for me) and am glad that we got a larger apartment! So far we have no regrets with out place.
Sunday was also full of food, as we ordered another turkey delivery and everyone made sides to go with it. For this day Ben and I made another mountain of mashed potatoes, kalico beans, green bean casserole, and deviled eggs. I've hooked my man on these deviled eggs, which was always my goal...
Ben and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to fit 14 people in our place and be able to set up our table. We ended up abodoning that dream and having people eating on their laps. No one complained and everyone fit in the same room which was very exciting!
For desert we enjoyed pumpkin pie, milk tart (with a great turkey design on it), and some nutella cream cheese bars. So much food was consumed over the 4 days, and we really were so blessed to be surrounded by such great friends!