January was a little bleeeeeeeeeeeeh. All of our friends were going on these amazing vacations and we had to wait until February to do that. We spent a lot of time holed up in our apartment, but I guess I have a few things to share about what we did with our time....
We ate a rice burger for the first time. There is a place next to our gym and every day I would hear Ben comment on how he wanted to go there. Finally it was the perfect day and we tried it out!
Mixed reviews...

It was our first time using the mat, and it turned out really good! Ben even took some to lunch the next day!
Oh yeah... I got my wisdom tooth pulled and actually had a terrible time. In Korea, they just numb the area that they are actually pulling the tooth from. My tooth had really long roots and didn't enjoy my dentist saying after the first 20 minutes of pulling my head from side to side trying to remove the tooth, "Oh, I usually get these out in the first 5 minutes..."
Thanks dude, I wish you had...
Anyways, finally it was out and I tried so hard to follow all of the instructions so I didn't get a dry socket. Well, all of the directions from online, since I didn't get anything from the dentist...
It was to no use because days later I was in pain and went to the dentist to find out I did indeed have a dry socket. Three days later I had the medicine removed and that night I was in agony! The only way I could even sleep a little was in I numbed my whole face with ice. The next morning I went in again to find out that I have ANOTHER dry socket. Needless to say...horrible experience that resulted in my going to the dentist 5 times in 7 days.... And it's not like I can just jump in my car and hop on over to the dentist! Each trip takes about 1.5 hours round trip on public transportation. Boooooo....
As of January this is how much time I have left and I am sure that it will go FAST! Then we will go one to new and different things! yay!