Kids say the funniest things...

I am spending so much time with kids, that I need to share some of the great things that they say...

When asked in a homework question, "If you were granted a wish, what would you like most?" Fayzah replied..."That everyone would go to heaven."
I thought it was so sweet!

The class was working on poems and they had to write a poem about all of the teachers... Uzair wrote this poem about me. I'm not sure if it makes a lot of sense, but I still love it and the creativity!

...." Miss Unruh is an American adder when she slithes and somyone is nawghty she poisen you with happy dreams and candy."

Today I got to witness "Joy". Our class gets cubes for good behavior as a reward. When we get 20 cubes we get 45 min. of free time. Miss Mitchell made a deal with them that if they saved up their cubes and collected 80, they would get a whole day of "golden time". Today they reached that goal of 80 cubes and Miss Mitchell let them pass around the cubes like a trophy and they all got to say, "Yay" and even kiss it! (These kids watch too many football matches!) To make it even more fun, she played Queen's "We are the Champions" as the cubes went around a second time. The kids we so filled with "Joy".

Zishaan apparently was a sore loser after I beat him at Checkers. He then challenged me to a dance off in the Wii game "Just Dance" with the above name... :)

I see Wind, I see Rain!!!

by Aaqib Hussain

I see wind
I see rain
I find it such a pain.
When I look outside,
I'd rather stay inside.
When I look outside,
I see nothing buy wind and rain.
The wind is blowing through trees 
and it causes such a breeze.

Ayesha has got to be one of the sweetest kids in my class. She always gives me a big smile as she goes about her work.  
The kids were asked to make poster how they felt after they complete a challenge or a goal. Usaid felt "proud" and is here showing his picture. For our BLP (Building Learning Power) we go to rehearse many motivation songs including, "Reach" by Sclub7 and "Proud" by M People. One of the lyrics is, "What have you done today to make you fell proud?"