After seeing most of my friends having facebook posts about going hiking with their school and co-teachers, it was finally my turn. Last Wednesday after all of my classes were finished, I went with my co-teachers to Palgong Mountain. We didn't do much of a hike, which I was okay with. Originally we were going to take the cable car up the mountain, but then changed our minds at the last minute and I hadn't worn the right shoes for hiking. I wore the right shoes for riding a cable car...
I want to introduce you to my co-teachers. This is Hyuni, and she is amazing! She is my main co-teacher, not in the sense that I teach the most classes with her, but she takes care of me. She was the one who was there to pick me up and got me on my feet here in Korea. She continues to keep me on my feet. I've never known anybody more resourceful with information and so quick to solve problems and be efficient at the same time! I can ask her the most random question, and if she doesn't know the answer (she usually already knows it) she finds it out in seconds! It's AMAZING!
I teach five 6th grade classes with her and unfortunately they are the first classes of the week, so I'm not usually quite on the height of my game with those classes. She as least makes them easier for me!
She also lived in America for a year, so understand or can at least acknowledge the reason for my frustrations and the things that I miss. Or the things I don't miss...
I'm very spoiled to say the least...

The other Ms. Lee is a P.E. teacher her at Woonam, so I don't actually teach with her, but her desk is in our English office, so I spend a lot of time with her. She is very kind and although she doesn't use her English very often, I can always communicate with her and I knew I got her approval a month in when we said, "Marie Teacher....I like you..." That was all I needed ! :)
My last co teacher did not go on the hike with us, but her name is Ms. Young. She is a head teacher and has many years of experience and I teach three 4th grade classes with her. Her students always listen very well, and I seem to think that they are "getting it" most of the time, which is always a welcome feeling!

After doing our hiking we went to a place to eat that was explained to me as an "ajumma hangout". Wasn't that the truth? There were dozens of older women in there slurping their noodles, and by golly did they notice the foreigner walking into their establishment! It was hilarious how many heads turned... The staff there was not very friendly, but there were tons of people and the food came out in minutes, and it tasted really good. Also it was super cheap!
Afterwards, we went to get coffee, and I ended up getting some kiwi juice and cheesecake. Our "coffees" ended up costing us triple what our meal cost us!
I'm glad my school gave us the afternoon off to experience this!
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