I also got to decide what I wanted to do for camp, and of course I picked art. I think there is a lot of value with teaching English through art. My co-teacher agree, which is good...

4th Grade: Pointillism
I first went over new color words with the students. These were special color names like fuschia, navy, and coral instead of the basic color names like pink, blue, and orange. Most of these words were new words for all of the students.
After going over the new colors and doing a bit of color theory and color wheel work, I introduced pointillism to the students. They learned about Georges Seurat and his famous painting, "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte".
Then the kids got to create a pointillism painting of their own! They were told they could only paint with dots. I used the leftover Q-tips from my 6th grade snowman paintings, and the kid's own watercolor paints. They could paint whatever they wanted and without prompting, two of my students drew and painting the main characters from my favorite Korean show, Larva. Actually, it is the only Korean show that I am even remotely interested in, and I think that is because there is no speaking, so everyone can understand- even ME!
Overall the kids got pretty creative, but had to rush towards the end to finish their paintings. They could have used more time!
5th Grade: Andy Warhol style Pop Art
For this class we also went over new color names and color theory. Then the students learned about Andy Warhol and the Pop Art movement. After, they created their own Andy Warhol prints.
To do this they first drew an object in a single square. Then they went to the window and traced their picture 9 different times. After they were finished tracing, then they colored their picture using many different color schemes.
This class could have used more time as well, but since I only got to teach each of these lessons once, I really had no way to know how long it would take or how much time was needed. I noted how long it took for future use of the lesson. :)
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