What a "coinkidink" that on the day that my birthday fell on, I was suppose to teach a lesson called "When is your birthday?"...

I started out with reviewing key phrases and what not. Then we did a survey where the kids had to go around and ask other students the key phase..
Q: "When is your birthday?"
A: "It's on ______________."After the survey then we got to play one of my favorite games that we played on basically every classmates birthday for at least the 6 years of elementary school- Head's up 7 up!
I explained the game, but of course I had to add our English into the lesson, so the "pickers" who push the thumbs down held key phrases that the students who later guessed would use to pick who touched their thumb.
The game was a hit and all of the students really liked playing! "Teacha- one more time!"
After the game, I cave the student mini little cupcakes because in America this is what I brought for my birthday every year. They were completely thrilled about this. Many of the students made me birthday cards which was really cute as well!

My co-teachers surprised me with a really yummy cake as well after one of my classes. The day was full of cake! It was fun because Sarah was at school that day to help me celebrate!
My co-teacher Hyuni, made a joke that was really cute...
" Marie, have a cup cake..."
Get it? Because we were eating cake out of a cup...
Of course, we ate the cake with chopsticks... My chopsticks skills are getting incredibly good! I didn't even think twice about eating cake with chopsticks!
While we were eating cake, the kids realized what was happening and there were dozens of them squishing up to the window to get a view of what was going on inside the office. They were going crazy- waving and hitting the window. So how do my co-teacher deal with it?? That is the best part- they just taped a piece of paper over the window... So then the kids were jumping up to see over the paper. So what did my co-teachers do? They taped a second piece of paper on the window! It was hilarious! :)

That evening, my friends accompanied me to my favorite restaurant that I can found here in Korea...and yes it does serve Korean food. It is ALL Korean food, actually! The part that I like, is that the quality of meat is good, and when I am eating there, I am not eating 50% fat like most Korean BBQ places...

I am one of the older ones in my friend group at 28 years young. They make me feel young to be honest. I don't feel 28! I guess that is a good thing!
Following the feast, we ended up at a Noraebang practice room. I guess these places used to be extremely popular. We found this one in an arcade filled with the male species. We paid 1000 won thinking we were going to get one song and we would go! When we put in our 1000 won we got 10 songs!!! That means each song was basically 10 cents for all of you Americans! With that kind of bargain we could sing any song we wanted and not feel bad about it! We were there for quite a while. I got to see Incubus, and Sarah got her rap jams in... Best part- she found a rap partner in my friend Erin! They are from the same era, what can I say?
That might actually require some counseling... :)
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