Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hebden Bridge

At the beginning of this month Leigh and I went on a journey with one of Leigh's friends from Florida and her husband Steve. Steve is living and working in England just over an hour away from us. Barbara was visiting for a while and Leigh was really looking forward to getting to see a familiar face from back home while she was here. Luckily, we did get to meet up with them. Thanks to Steve, who has a car, we went to Hebden Bridge and walked along the canal before exploring part of the town. It was a different kind of walk than we were used to, but still really beautiful. The canal ice had broken up at one time, but then had refrozen which made really cool geometric shapes on the canal. Some highlights were:

Tipping must mean something different in this country... Otherwise this must be a challenging event...

Leigh wanting again to "pet" the evil geese. They didn't show too much love…
Barbara & Steve

We found what appeared to be a settlement of long boat gypsies. (One who lives on a canal boat year round without really moving much) They had some cool things and really cool junk. 
After trying to eat at 3 busy pubs without any luck we ended up in an Italian cafe where we got to try to decipher whether a woman was wearing a hat or if it was her hair. Opinions?

Marie & Leigh

 I said that I would walk across the lock for 10 pounds, obviously with the thought that no one ever actually takes you up on an offer like that. Barbara whips out a 10 pound note, and I balance beamed myself across. I'm appreciative of all of those balance beam gymnastics practices! (Barbara took this picture as I walked)

Anyways, it was a very relaxing and fun day with Barbara and Steve, and I look forward to seeing them again when Barbara moves back to England in April or so. 


  1. Heya lovely Marie. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Just got caught up on your blog again. We've been working on a tax sale house in Elkhart which Michael bought for $1000. That shows you how much we have to fix up. We have to buy like every appliance. Oh well, at least we've lived in Honduras before and can just imagine we are someone in a warmer climate. Anyways, the plan is only to live here around 3ish years and then maybe...Colorado...Portland...where Marie is!>?!>!

    Haha. Great blog. The hair on that one lady is astounding. That has to be a wig...right?

    Hows the heating and shower situation where you are living? I remember you had some problems with that. I miss you and its wonderful to see your pictures. Keep warm and say hi to Leigh. :) Love ya friend.

  2. Oh Check out Michael's facebook for pictures of the house.
