Sunday, October 17, 2010


Happy Birthday Ben and Zach! I just had  wonderful conversation with my two birthday boys! All the mail and packages I sent made it in time so that was good news! When I skype with the Lemings, they have my face HUGE on their tv! (which is a bit scary) The boys stood by it and then they aimed their computer at the t.v. and I took the picture on my end in England! It was fun! Sad I missed it, but happy that I could still talk to you guys! Amazing what only being gone for 2 months can do! You're getting sooooo big AND you can read now! wow!
-Auntie Marie


  1. Ooops!
    It's here! I'll make sure to show them! :-)
    Talking to you made their night even more fun. It's sad though, as growing up with technology like they have, they didn't find it nearly as spectacular as my parents and grandma did. Don't get me wrong, they loved talking with you, it's just that I know I would have been in complete awe as a child if I could have talked to someone in another country through a computer!

  2. I know, it's sad how conditioned kids are these days to the incredible technology of the world! I'm glad they enjoyed it though :) I did for sure!
