Sunday, October 10, 2010

Trip to Leeds= SUCCESS!

Today, I feel like we accomplished many things that have been haunting us. First of all, we walked down to the city center to get to the Bradford Interchange. We had plans to do this prior to today, but weather always spoiled our plans. We were thrilled to find out that it really...wasn't that bad! Our second success of the day, was when we got to the interchange we realized it only cost 7 pounds for 3 of us to go to Leeds and come back! We were expecting much more! Leeds was a success too. We shopped, and I got a few things from my list (and a few that weren't on my list)...Overall, it was a successful day! That is minus the 3rd Twilight movie we just finished watching. Sorry Twi-heart fans, that was no success...

1 comment:

  1. Marie- you've broken my heart I loved twilight (not!) glad to hear you are navigating Bradford. I love your profile pic!!!! Write me a haiku!

    ps. you're on my phone background. :)
