Thursday, November 7, 2013

British-ness...Bonfire Night!

Laura and I
So, not surprisingly, the largest percent of my friends here in Korea are actually British. I call myself 3% British. I understand most of their lingo, most of their jokes, and the majority of their humor.... Many times we look at the nationality ratio, and England wins most of the time! 
My 3 % showed on November 5th all day! I always ask the date at the beginning of my class and write it on the board. On Tuesday, I asked the kids what was special about today and then continued to tell them about Guy Fawkes, and the English holiday that I find just hilarious and soooo wrong. (but so right) The kids also thought it was a little crazy, but were excited that it was a holiday somewhere else in the world! 

Chris, Darren and I

In the evening, I was invited to a Bonfire night get together at Gogo's. I took my Magners Pear Cider that I adore so much that I found at Homeplus, and we ate chocolate and toffee apples that the wonderful Laura made. We didn't have any fires in the street, but we did have sparklers... Not exactly the same, but I think it would be frowned on to burn our junk in the street like in Bradford. 
I really appreciate and love my British friends here in Korea, and it makes me happy to know that I have even more people to visit when I find myself back in that fine country! They offer something different to me than everyone else. I think it has to do with their cruel humor and straightforwardness. 

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