Sunday, April 10, 2011

11 things I have done in the last 3 weeks...

I know that I have not blogged in a long time. Craziness going on here and the lack of internet has put me in this position. I have also been in a bit of a funk from an accumulation of many things and I'm working hard to try to get out of it.

1. Mourning the Loss...
This season has been a tough one for me because normally I am able to watch all of the game so how or another. This year, I was not able to watch them all because of the internet cap that I have and streaming takes up too much of that usage limit. I got to see many of the ones at the beginning of the season thanks to Justin who sent me the copies of the games. I also, thanks to our vicar Paul and his wonderful wife Ruth was able to stream all of the games in both tournaments at their house. This was them putting up with me in their house at 3 a.m. sometimes. Of course, I did read all of the game recaps the night after them throughout the season, but it was a bit of a sacrifice this season to not get to watch them. Then, like most years, we ran into a "hot" team in the tournament and our talent was overmatched by a hot hand.

2. The new Barbara and Brendan Brew
Barbara, the ICT (computer) teacher at school got married. The ceremony was held at Registry Office which would be like a court house in the States. I enjoyed the fact that behind the couple as they were saying their vows there was a framed picture of the queen in the background. Afterwards we went to a curry restaurant and had a great meal. For the first time since being here, I found a curry that wasn't too hot. It was amazing. I ended up having a really good time while I was there. We had a good time 

3. Spent Mother's Day with Derek
British Mother's Day this year was on April 3rd. Obviously none of us were with out mothers...Derek was without Leslie for the day and we figured we all were lonely...might as well be lonely together. We went to the posh town of Ilkley for the day and did a bit of shopping and walking. Derek was a trooper I must say. Even when his neighbors walked by while we were at the cafe and saw him sitting with 3 young girls. Oh, how I'm sure the rumors will fly...It turned out to be a great day and just what I needed.

4. Went to our first football game
John from Great Horton Methodist got us tickets to a Bradford City football game. Now, Bradford City isn't very good at the moment, but apparently we used to be. I actually watched the whole game without getting bored which was a first for me...I'm becoming more British than  I ever realized. Unfortunately, I got in trouble for taking pictures and had to stop. It cracked me up how much Leigh enjoyed looking around and feeling like we were at a Harry Potter quidditch match. I really enjoyed seeing football being played in the country that it was invented in apparently. I hope that we make it to a few more games while we're here.

5. Helped re-arrange our classroom
Apparently Linda was wanting to get out of her funk to so we thought that a fresh start with the classroom at school is what we needed. It worked out so well and opened the room up. PLUS...I have my own little space to do my work and such. Hopefully I don't feel as much in the way as I have in the past. I really love the new look of the classroom. Success

6. Witnessed Spring
Wow, spring is fun when all of the trees are blooming and people really love their spring flowers. Everyone here loves their spring flowers, and the flowers love them... It's absolutely a miracle that I have not snuck out in the dark and cut down people forsythia bush out of their yards! ahaha

7. Went to a Montessori School
I joined Leigh on a tour of a montessori school near Bolton Abbey. It was really neat to see how Leigh grew up and went to school and to also see how her mom, Jane, teaches her class. I found it really interesting and encouraging. 

8. Managed to offend or anger most of the important people in my life...
You should feel lucky if you didn't make this list. I really struggled the last couple of weeks because I hate upsetting people that I care about. It was a weird week which involved me feeling like I was floating outside my body with no control what I was doing or saying...

9. Did some sewing
To try to get back to myself I did a bit of sewing. I started making pennant flag things with random fabric and random colors. Besides the fact that I don't have space in my tiny room to set up my sewing machine that I am borrowing from the church, I am really enjoying being creative. I feel really "off" when I stop doing creative things. 

10. Got good with the grabber

 It really bothered me when we went to the church lawn to play football with the kids and there was all sorts of trash, bottles and cans. The people at St. Wilfrid's keep themselves very busy with other more important details, so I thought it would be nice to help out and pick it up. Plus, it was beneficial to have all of that picked up if we were planning on playing on that grass with the kids. Glad I did because I ended up finding a drug needle and some other "fun" stuff. Things that don't need to be around these kids. 

11. Helen turns 23!
Our wonderful friend from school, Helen had a birthday and turned 23. We all went out for dinner to celebrate at a place that is supposedly American-Italian, but didn't seem to American to me! 

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