Thursday, April 28, 2011

25 things I learned before turning 25...

Today is my birthday and yes, it is the big 2-5! I guess now that I am old, I need to share some wisdom that I have learned along the way. I know I have sooooo much more to learn and look forward to it, but here are 25 things that I have figured out...

1) God is love, and love is of God.
2) Real friend stick around in my life...
3) High school WAS cool and it CAN be missed!
4) Kansas does have some advantages...
5) You may have a plan, but if it's not God's plan, it ain't happening...
6) Ain't ain't a word and you ain't suppose to say it!
7) The tooth fairy isn't real...but fairies in Ireland- ARE
8) You can't always get what you want...
9) Life is like a box of chocolates- you never know what you're gonna get...
10) I tend to surgically keyloid scar in life.
11) Crumpets are the bomb diggity!
12) Home is where the heart is.
13) Standing up in a canoe gives you the possibility of capsizing...
14) Learned how to play "Don't drop your pants"- not as bad as it sounds...
15) My grandma makes my favorite zweiback.
16) Don't eat yellow snow...
17) traveling will hopefully always be part of my life!
18) never brush your teeth and then drink orange juice.
19) The Ball Drop in New York only needs to be done once...
20) As much as I try, I will never like cucumbers.
21) I will always look forward to my yearly verenika.
22) You can make playdough with clotted cream. (or at least a mixture that is fun to play with)
23) The sun can really help make you happy.
24) Fingernail polish will never get to stay on my nails because my nails suffocate and are way to heavy...
25) Turning 25 is not that bad! I've really enjoyed the first 25 years of my life. I've learned heaps and loved how I've spent my time immensly. I look forward to the adventures of the next 25 years!

1 comment:

  1. Marie! I loved this post and agree with so much of it dear. I miss you and hope your retreat went really really well and can't wait to skype you. I'm sending you a package for your birthday and though its late, I think you'll enjoy it. Anywho, much love to your next quarter century of life. Its been great being 25 and I'm stoked about getting old and gaining wisdom. After all we're just 25 years young! Much love.
