Monday, April 11, 2011

The new Barbara and Brendan Brew...

Last weekend I was lucky enough to witness a British wedding in my time here in England. Now... even though this was not a traditional English wedding with all of the big floppy hats and fascinators from Four Weddings and a Funeral, I was bound and determined to make it one! I was able to borrow a "fascinator" (I kept calling it a hair-piece, a.k.a. toupee) from our assistant headteacher, Jane Craven. I thought that I would stick out more, but luckily a few other people, including the bride, wore a hat or fascinator. I felt really fancy! I even wore heals! (For those of you who know me...that's huge!)
The wedding took place at the Registary Office, much like a courthouse in the States. The ceremony was short and sweet and to the point. I loved it! I also loved how behind the couple as they were saying their vows the queen herself was in attendance via a framed portrait. 

Bride- Barbara Brew

All the staff that were at the wedding...Linda Mitchell, Andy Grant, Brenda Long, Linda Johanna, Afshan Hassan, Helen Leyland, Barbara Brew, June, Phillipa Tomlinson, Karen Bennett, Me, Jane Craven, Claudia, Bridie, and Leigh

Linda Mitchell and me with my fascinator!
After the ceremony we packed up and went to a curry restaurant. There I had the first Asian meal that I truly enjoyed. It wasn't too was actually a sweet korma.  YUM! There was also lovely company. Many of the people invited to this wedding were more of the senior staff because Barbara has been at Lidget Green for over 20 years or something! So, Leigh and I were in the company of some of the teachers that one might find intimidating...but that is just a facade - they are as silly as we are! ahaha. Black fondant was even put on teeth. I had a great time! The cake was made by Barbara and decorated by Bridie. One layer was chocolate, one was lemon and the ball and chain was a fruit cake! 

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