Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mela Festival

On Sunday after church, we went to the Bradford Mela festival that was located in Peel Park. Melas originate from the Indian sub-continest (the word 'Mela' means 'to meet' in Sanskrit, the ancient Indian language), where there is traditionally a gathering of people celebrating their community. This Asian fair was much like the fairs that we have in the States to celebrate something. There were 2 stages that had different musical acts and dances being performed, a food area with amazing Asian food, a shopping area, and of course- a fun fair rides area.
The first Bradford Mela (first in the U.K.) started in 1988 and started small, but nowadays the Mela could have over 100,000 people come to it! I don't think the attendance was that great this year, because it just so happened that the day it was being held, it was raining. And it wasn't misty rain, but a steady drip rain. I ended up getting really cold and I worried for my poor camera. I kept it in my coat as much as possible. I decided that it was not a smart idea to wear flip flops, but in my defense, it wasn't raining when we left the house... By the time we got home, I was cold and soaked through! I'm still so glad that we went. It was such a good experience!

This group was called Desi Bravehearts and they did a Bollywood style dance.

I really felt for this man, but I also found him (and the situation) completely hilarious! If there was someone more miserable and colder than me, it would of had to have been him. His face was in a permanent frown. Not good if you are trying to sell balloons in the rain...

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