Friday, July 26, 2013

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

We took a train from Budapest to Zagreb, Croatia. Along the way we passed a really beautiful lake that appeared to be a really popular vacation spot. We had many hours to kill on this train so Leigh and I took quite a few "selfie" pictures on my ipad mini.  Midway through what we thought was one straight train ride, we were told to get off of the train. Obviously we had hit the border of Croatia. After we showed officials from both countries our passports, we were moved onto select train cars that would continue to Zagreb. All seats were taken and only standing room was available. So we stood with our bags in the middle of the aisle. Luckily we had these windows open to stick our heads out and watch the view. It actually was a memorable experience. I put on some comforting music and watched the Croatian sun set with the wind in my hair... Ahhhhh.... Sometimes when you spend a lot of time seeing the things that man created, it always refreshing to see what God created............ When we got to Zagreb, we still weren't in the hostel we booked online, but we got a free taxi to the hostel they moved us to.
Our goal was to get to the coast of Croatia. The hostel had a really good deal that a minivan would take us to Split, Croatia, but also drop us off at the Plitvice lakes for 4 hours along the way. We were really wanting to see these lakes anyways, so it worked out perfectly for us. 
We had a really interesting van ride. Leigh and I sat up front and played "zlte auto" with the driver. He also added "policija" to the game and when we saw the police we were to yell that. It didn't help him, because he still got a ticket... Not for speeding, but for now wearing a seat belt. 
At Plitvice lakes, we walked around on paths and walkways. They even had a ferry to take you from one side of the lake to the other. The water was ridiculously clear. BEAUTIFUL. My complaint was that there was too many people to really enjoy the beauty. 

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