Sunday, July 20, 2014

Paper Football

Four times a year, I get to teach all of my classes anything I want and we call it "English Festival". Most of the time I try to teach something that has to do with American culture, and for most of these days, I have searched my memory for the fun things I used to do as a kid. 

Since most of the kids are not familiar with American Football, I wanted to teach them about it and also teach them a fun game from childhood! So..... for the whole week, I taught 22 classes about football. I didn't change my lesson. I did the same one for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade, but I did slow down obviously for the 4th grade.
I started out with a football powerpoint about the basics and rule. I tried to keep it really simple. 

After that, I showed the students how to make a paper football, and I also taught them the rules!

All of the students really enjoyed playing this game, no matter if they were a boy or girl. I hope that they keep it in their minds as something they can do when they are board. I tried to emphasize that all you really need is a piece of paper (that can be taken off the street) to play! 

This next year, I plan on making a "field" that will require the students to speak sentences when they land within the yard lines. I think they would love to play again, and this way they can, but also learn some more English!

The following moments made me realize that kids all over the World are very similar!!! It really doesn't matter where they are from! ahah

After they played paper football for a while, I introduced them to tailgating. Yes, I know that this is usually before, but I can't just give out candy a the beginning of class! How crazy do you think I am! I also realize that there are usually much more alcohol involved that the kids needed to hear about. I did sensor it a bit...

I talked about grilling and eating tons of food and I found these gummies online and we had enough of a budget to be able to give all of the students one! They were very happy about this too. 

Overall, it was a really good "English Festival" or camp lesson, and I am planning on posting it for other teachers to get to use! The kids really loved it, and they learned something!

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