Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas movies!

I didn't grow up watching the old Christmas Classic movies. We've been spending December watching any Christmas movie we can get our hands on. From the Home Alone 1 and 2 to the classic Holiday Inn with Bing Crosby...we've watched them all! Tonight we are planning on watching, It's a wonderful life. I really wanted to share one of the scenes that I love from the movie, A Christmas Story...


  1. Any love actually fans? That was our favourite!

  2. YES! We've watched it 3 times in 3 months...Mostly because Bethany had not made it through it yet...

  3. Ha! I love this scene! Thought of you when I saw it this year, that's funny! I love "It's a Wonderful Life"- I haven't seen it yet this year. Every night we try to watch it, something else comes up! I WILL watch it before New Year's!
