Thursday, February 10, 2011

The food chain of my Life...

As I walk down the hill from church my mind starts racing. I have a few groceries in tow that I just picked up after church but the thing that gets me thinking is the fact that I am carrying them in my Susan's tote bag, "Where flowers are always special". 
I think back to when I was in Jr. High and High school on how I pictured my life back then. I must admit, back then I thought that it would be normal for me to find the love of my life in college and "life" would start then. With my big birthday coming up this year- the BIG 25…( I know many of you are probably cringing, but think back to when you were 25 and how you felt) it's hard not to reflect on the things I have done and the relationships I have made.
I am a big believer in the thought that "everything happens for a reason" and the God wouldn't give you what you couldn't handle. Because of this, I have no regrets and once I start thinking of the order of the things that have happened in my life, there is no way I could regret something. For example, if I had never come back to Wichita State, I would never had the opportunity to go to Belize on a class trip which I credit to have started my travel bug. Belize also resulted me in the friendship with Michelle who traveled Europe and Yellowstone with me too! Had I not had that awful cold sore that fall in art class, would I ever have a best friend in Sarah, and the extended family that she and her family has become?
As I glance at my Susan's bag I think about getting that job and remember that I had known one of the girls, Debbie who had just started there. I had worked with her at Dillons, but if she hadn't been there or I had never volunteered to work at her store, would I have gotten the job at Susan's and met all of those incredible people? I would have never met Nat either who I hope is a lifer (life-long friend) or Nicole who brings a smile to my face:) I think about all of the people that I met in New Zealand and my good ole' friends that I love so much. I almost didn't even go to New Zealand. I was fighting to try to go to school in England, Manchester to be exact, but they wouldn't let me study there for a semester like Wichita State was requiring me to do. Would I have grown so close to Paige, Megan, Dallas, David and the rest of you American New Zealanders if I had stayed in my original room they assigned me in the other tower? Megan you brought me frisbee and all of those great times, but would you if we hadn't added you to that trip to the Northland? Great Times!
Gosh, this is making me think! God really has taken great care of me in my adventures. At the times, where people make me feel uncomfortable and bad for not being married with a kid on the way, I think of all the people that have been in my life. I am so truly blessed. 
I would not have been able to come to England without all of the support from my family and from my church family. I would not have met all of these people here. June, knowing you is someday going to get me to Norway, which I am excited about! And Abby, you are going to be my British lifer (British life-long friend)! 
This could go on and on, and I could write about every single person in my life that I have known. When I think back on my life like this, 25 doesn't seem that bad. I have gotten to do so many things, crossed much off of my goal list, and met some pretty amazing people! 


  1. Awww! Gotta love the cold sore! :-) This was an interesting read, and it's good to reflect. Turning 25 certainly does cause some reflection and it was actually a pretty difficult birthday for me. What's crazy is, if I had written a blog at 25, the entry would be quite like yours, but completely opposite! I was having a hard time dealing with the fact that I hadn't done much of anything on my list, and that I still lacked direction and focus and a job and etc etc. I'm glad upon reflecting that you found happiness with all of the great things you have done in your life! There definitely is a time and place for everything. Someday, if and when the timing is right, you will be a great mom who will have amazing adventures to share with your children! These experiences you have had will give you much more to share not only with your children, but future husband as well. Okay, I'm going to go even further into rambling mode, anything I have to say will be something I've already told you, haha! If 30 is the new 20, just think of 25 as the new 15! hahaha! Afterall, it IS your favorite number!

  2. Thanks! That's so sweet- u mean loads to me~ :)

  3. Hi Deary! Its Gretchen. Your mom suggested I read your blog as I am in the same spot that you are..the 25 thing...and that we viewed ourselves as being married and such by now. BUT remember, as all of us built our small town foundation together....much of us are in the same boat. You, Me, jana, dalli (isn't married yet), Shannon (just started figuring out what she wants), katy (looking for a job), Blythe (looking for a job), Adam, Adam C, Michael....there are a bunch of us. :) I've really been focusing on strengthening my relationship with God lately and I realize that he has plans for us and he will pick our husbands (God help them ;) ) when the time is ready cuz for heavens sake we don't want the wrong one! For right now, we have things to accomplish.

    In all honesty, you have been an aspiration to me and I think its amazing what you have done so far. I am very jealous. You taking your trips has been an encouragment to me for sure which is partly why I am taking my first international trip in March and who knows where it will go from there. I now look back and realize how crazy i was to think that I was going to accomplish what I wanted and be married by 25!! Now Im on the five year plan and MAYBE when I'm thirty I'll think about that......... As cheesy as it sounds it is the things that you didn't do, not the things you did, that you will regret. Keep taking the world by storm!!!

    On a lighter note -- what the HECK happened to the Jayhawks woman? Come back sometime cuz they obviously need you! ;)
