It ended up being a lot of fun. When we got there we were a bit early so we had a look at the exhibition that was there on Polish Paper Cuts. That was intimidating, but exciting to see what we were going to try to do.
I most start by saying, our Instructor was legit. She was a Polish women, dressed in a traditional Polish dress, speaking Polish and no English. Lucky for us, she had a translator to help us. Apolonia was her name and she was amazing. Everything that she did she made it look easy as pie and she did it with shears! We were required to cut with tiny scissors that the kids at school use which made it more challenging, but I think we still accomplished a lot considering.

After that technique she showed us how to do another symmetrical cut. Of course she did hers in 5 minutes and it was perfect. Ours took much longer, and we not perfect, but she was actually very impressed. She kept saying that our class was the best class that she had had there at the museum- well, she said it in Polish… I did a lot of smiling that day because I had no idea what she was saying! ahah! She did come over at one point and ask if I was an artist. Unfortunately, I was discovered. I felt like Monica in the T.V. show friends when she goes to a cooking class even though she was a professional chef. She finally gets outed and then it is less impressive.

Overall, I am so glad that I went and I loved the company from Abby! Afterwards she even introduced me to a Cornish Pasty and a weird cookie called a....dunno. I'm sure she will enlighten me soon! Hopefully I can go to other events like that in the future! Angie missed out, but next time I expect you to join! :)

That looks fun! I've been itching to take some sort of art class. Ben would've LOVED something like that. He made snowflakes ALL of December. I think he got tired of it now that we've been dumped on with massive snow so many times now! :-)