Thursday, March 10, 2011

A School Art Project... Faith in our Community

For 3 weeks before my half-term break, I was a whirlwind...or a tornado as we Kansas folk would call it. With many projects going on at school, Flat Stanley, Enrichment, and an Art Exhibition, this last one,
This year 2 girl did a world with
people standing around it. It
turned out amazing!
"Faith in our Community" almost pushed me over the edge. Nope! Just kidding! I was a bit stressed though to say the least and I think the teachers noticed because they were beginning to get concerned! Though this project brought stress and worry, looking back all of it was well worth it. For this "Faith in our Community" project we basically had the teachers select the gifted artists from each class and grade level and we did a special project with them. These ranged from fabric paint to screen-printing to fibers and wire and to batik. This meant that everyday that I was working at the school I had a big art project to set up that would take the afternoon. It took a lot of organization, and luckily Miss Fenney (Jo, the teacher for the other year 4 class) and gotten all of the projects ordered and planned, I just had to carry them out with the kids. Even more lucky, Leigh was available to help on most of the afternoons which was a big help!  Since each grade level was doing a different technique, I got to see how that age level could handle something that was different and a little challenging at times. I think that we had some great success stories. 

This silk painting was done by two
year 4 boys, Turki and Bilal. 

These we two year 2 students that
drew on fabric and we cut it out and
they glued it down. This was a picture
of their mosque.
This design originally started out with
just wire, but then we added the fibre
so we could see it better. It was done
by year 6 students
Two year 3 students transferring
their image from paper onto fabric.
This batik project was a bit tricky. They
had to drip hot wax to make a design.
They pulled through with great results! 

These boys printed off pictures
from online and collaged them.
Then they transferred them from
paper to fabric.

Shumrez and Hafsah are
working on their
screen-printing project.

Anees and Hamza's screen printing project.
These two year 6 girls did Batik
and I thought they were quite
successful. Minus the words...

Shumrez and Hafsah's final project.

All of the kids with the final project sewn together. This is going to be one of the artworks that hang in Bradford Cathedral for the next few weeks and then after there, all of the pieces are coming to Lidget Green and being displayed around our gym and school for awhile. It was a lot of fun to take part in this big project and it was neat to work with kids of all ages too. We have plans to continue some special projects for the kids who are interested in art in the future. I'm looking forward to those!

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