Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring is in the air...

Spring is all around. I am really loving all of the new color. I've never seen flowers in this setting. Crocuses replace the grass in the spring and it is just purples, yellows, and whites.

This is a picture of my blooming blue bell baby. I rescued some
blue bell bulbs from the woods by Angie's and potted them to see
how they grew. The first one bloomed even though it is really
early for them. So pretty though!

There was an amazing pussy willow tree on one of our walks. Absolutely gorgeous!

Cluster of Crocuses

These are snow drops.


Bethany and Tina

The hills in this park were covered in crocuses. I've never seen anything like it!


  1. So beautiful!!! These are great photos. Oh I miss this!

  2. these are incredible photos, Marie!!! I want posters of them :-)) You have a great eye for photography!
