Friday, March 4, 2011

Scotland was LEGEND...wait for it...DARY!

Haaave you met Stefan? So, our theme of the Scotland trip was formed in Edinburgh by this German, Stefan. I guess it is not his fault that he looked so much like Neil Patrick Harris from How I met your Mother. We may have almost punished him for it. We met Stefan after the Free walking tour when we all went to a pub to eat. He happened to be in town because he had come for an interview for grad school and stayed through the weekend because flights were cheaper on Mondays. We got to entertain him though for much of the weekend, and that is what we did. At least I hope he was amused by our craziness...Sometimes you couldn't tell. I think that was the best part of him, you never knew what he was thinking of you. Many times he would give the "you have got to be the most ridiculous person in the world look", but the way I look at it, he must have liked us because he kept hanging out with us!
Now, because he looked so much like Neil Patrick Harris, we made him say one of his famous lines, but of course Stefan has a German accent and says it with much confusion. So funny! Legend...dary!
