Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter English Festival....Snowmen!

4th & 5th grade

So to continue the theme of snowman for my Winter English Festival, I did the same lesson with the 4th and half of the 5th grade, except the art project was different. Again, I was racking my brain trying to come up with some kind of craft that cost NO money! I didn't succeed because I still had to buy the doilies for this project, but I only spent 2,000 won ($2), so I'm going to call it a win!

So the kids used 2 different sized of doilies and used their own crayons to go over the doilies and do a rubbing type thing. I hadn't seen it done before....I pulled it out of my brain somehow. I used lots of colors on my example, and therefore most of the kids used lots of colors as well!

I didn't realize that I would notice such an abilitiy difference between the 4th graders and the 5th graders, but the 5th grade classes that I did this with were heaps better than the 4th grade. The 4th graders were still interested in it for sure, they just didn't have the most beautiful results.

Like the 6th grade, I played different songs and videos of "Frosty the Snowman" while they worked. This was of course after I explained the story of Frosty. 

I always get surpised and amazed which kids are the ones that can do art projects. Some time these are the kids that struggle in regular classes. It shows you how they want to learn... :) If only I didn't have 450 kids and could cater to all of their individual learning styles...

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