Friday, July 8, 2011

Good fun with the Cuz....

We actually found each other in London with VERY limited information- Long story!
I introduced Kristen to the Anglican service with a night service at St. Paul's cathedral.
It is quite high with lots of rituals so she got to see all the "good stuff".

We went to Salisbury church and a wedding of someone important was going on....

Stonehenge with a Druid service going on inside of it...

We pulled a "Marie&Kristen" and spent hours taking night photography of Big Ben! Whoops!

I introduced Kristen to the stone walls of Yorkshire. Pretty Impressive

She was here on one of the hottest days all year. This is what happens when the sun comes out!
People sunbathe with the cow. Poor Cows...

Angie took us on to Bolton Abbey. I thought that Kristen needed to see at least one
Abbey ruin while she was here.

Angie let us walk across the river on the steps this time! We both did it with our camera. Talk about nerve racking...

She got to see what British roads are really like...And the problems that occur!

She brought entertainment, a boobazwalia! Well, at least for me and for our ginger pirate balloon man!

Kristen got to meet all of the wonderful kids at Lidget Green! She also helped me with some of the bulliten boards. I was really thankful for her because I was swamped! Thanks Kristen! :)

I hope she had a good time. She was so go with the flow, which I appreciated with it being the last two weeks in England. I had a great time and now we can say our random trips have turned global...

1 comment:

  1. Fun trip. It still looks cold though with your jackets. Not like the 113 degree Kansas weather yesterday. Look forward to catching up with you.
