Thursday, July 28, 2011

A tribute to the class of 4M

 Over this past year, I have spent most of my time in 4M. The "4" represents year 4, which are kids that are 8-9 years old, and the "M" that represents Linda Mitchell, the teacher. I have been what is called a "teacher's assistant" in England, but my job description is a little harder to define... My days sometime seemed like a whirlwind of craziness trying to get things done, but I always loved them.  I wanted to write this as a celebration and a thank you for everything that I have experienced in the last year.  I know that this class was the right place for me and it really affirms to me that God knows what he is doing.
4M- do you remember all of the fun we have had over the last year. I know that you all remember the Alice in Wonderland Maths week and all of the fun things we did then. I mean, anytime that you get to lay on a table and measure yourself or try to build towers with huge playing cards can be considered a fun day. I will always remember how we dressed up for the occasion. You all looked ACE with your playing card fancy dress costumes on! I know that you remember that Miss Sulc and I were actual aces and Miss Wilkinson and Miss Mitchell were the jokers. Nothing new there!  What a fun week and I'm pretty sure that you realized that math doesn't have to be boring, but can be really fun too!
I will also remember all of your mad hula-hoopin' skills... I was never that good at hula-hooping. Most of you are way better than I ever was...But when it comes to skipping rope...
Red Nose Day is another day at school that I will not forget. We don't have this exact day in America, but it was really fun to take part in it in England. What a great cause. How generous of you all to bring in money for other kids that weren't as fortunate to have what they needed. I had a lot of fun dressing up and as you all remember, all the year 4 teachers had Mr. Pope on the front of our shirts. Do you think he thought that was funny? I'm not so sure... :)

Our golden times days will be remembered too. Uzair, I think that now is a good time to tell you that the song is actually "Eye of the Tiger" not "I am the Tiger". And by the way...hearing that song over and over again will not be one of my finest memories! 
I enjoyed dancing with you all as you challenged me in Dance Dance Revolution. If I remember correctly...most of you lost to me too! :) Anyways, I know that Zishaan was feeling the luck when he challenged me in checkers. Little did you know Zishaan, I was the checker champion on my primary school. There was even a tournament and I got a trophy. Now you all know how much of a nerd I was back in the days. 
And as most of you wrote in your letters to me, I do remember teaching you how to play basketball. That was really special to me because the game of basketball has been very special to me for most of my life. It was great to show you some of the skills. You guys even got pretty good at the game, shoot-out! 

 As much as some of those big events mean something to me, all of the regular time in the classroom almost mean more! You guys have taught me so much, and Miss Mitchell, you have taught me so much. What better way to learn about England and British culture than to learn it from the real "Brits". You guys not only taught me British culture, but also Asian culture and things about the Muslim faith. I must say, that was important to me because to be honest I was a little nervous about coming to England and whether or not it would be any different than America... But I soon found out it was and Bradford especially if much different than where I am from.
 To the giggle girls in enrichment- you should know who you are. At times you (in your own words) "did my head in", but looking back I am just so happy that you had fun with what you are doing. I'm glad that we all got to make beads together and talk about girl things...

I owe you all a big "THANK YOU" for putting in so much work for the Flat Stanley project. I hope so much that you really enjoyed learning about different places around the word, because if you think about it, that is what I have spent this last year doing: learning about Bradford and England. I know that the people that wrote back to you really enjoyed sending you things and sharing about their home. I hope that that is something that you will remember for a long time. It was amazing how you all learned the haka and performed it in front of so many people. AND the fact that you did so well with all of your lines (with some of you even memorizing them) that was impressive. Shumrez the way you carried on when things didn't go quite perfectly. I'm so proud of you! Germany group- absolutely perfect!

I will always cherish and remember all of the special non-special times. All of the "regular" days that you made me smile. I will never forget you guys, and I pray and wish you all the happiness in the future! I hope that we can somehow stay in touch because I would love to see the people that you grow up to be!

The sight of you guys linking on to Ayub as a train just melted my heart
shows the spirit that you all have. 

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