Sunday, July 3, 2011

My First Goodbye...

The taxi ride home was silent... Those who know us, know this is not normal. But last night everyone just stared out the window. We had just left our Norwegian, June, after helping her pack for her flight the next morning. It didn't seem real last night... In my mind, June left when we left, but in actuality, June left a week before us. As I was leaving I kept thinking- I'll see June tomorrow... But the truth is, God only knows when I'll see June again. I truly believe I will see June again in my life. I have to! Yoo-na was the consistant sunshine in Englnad. England does have it, but June did. Always there to brighten a day with a smile and a hug. AND- June's hugs are the BEST! I'm going to miss June quotes, and her laugh, and the random things that happen when she is around. Epic times! I would be lying if I were to say that I'm not worrying about this next week. This morning at Great Horton it hit me and I couldn't stop crying. This will be an emotional week... Goodbye June- till the next time I see you!

"Oh my GOD, that OUR Heeeelen! "- when June verified that it was out friend Helen on a pamphlet for unplanned pregnancy.
"Rinky- Tinky- Tinky"  Abby speaking Norwegian
"SHE SAID THAT!!!" - June trying to catch on to -That's what she said- jokes.
"School of Salmon" - our take on the Norwegian "cheers"
"You were so good, I couldn't tell if you were a tree or a June..." (Leigh) "IT'S A JUNE!!!" (June)


  1. I'll be praying for you this week, goodbyes are really hard, but you'll get through it. I look forward to hearing you speak in August at Tabor, Carol has told me so many awesome things about you, and I've really enjoyed reading your blog this year.

    -Rebecca Friesen (If you didn't know I was in England last year, and I'm living at Carol and Maynard's right now).

  2. That is exciting! We will have to share stories and experiences! And Wow, you're brave to have lived next to Barry and Paul for a year, and then now live with Mayno....very impressive! HA!

  3. beautiful picture. glad you've made some amazing friendships. When exactly do you get home?

  4. Back in Chicago on the 11th! Your way around the 15th! :)

  5. Oh Marie! This filled my eyes with tears and made me laugh at the same time.
    I showed your blog to my mom and she has the same reaction as me. And I just got the "school of salmond" quote! I was wondering about that, and while explaining it to my mom I got it! "Skål alle sammen" sounds like school of salmon! No wonder you remembered the "cheers", I was always so impressed by that! How do they remember? It is the school of salmond that tought you! Haha, it's wonderful and very norwegian.

    A big KLEM from your Yooona.

    I'll be back! I said that! :D
