Wednesday, September 29, 2010

This past weekend...

This past weekend was an eventful one. So eventful, I am having trouble writing about it. It is a daunting task to write about something that seemed so jammed pack with “blog-able” material. So…. This might in return be short and will most likely not have all of the “great valuable material” that I was looking forward to including. Plus, it’s bit late….
This weekend we were invited to go to a Christian/Muslim faith integration seminar. We we got there, we realized that we were actually going to be planning an event for youth in the area to participate in a faith integration day.  We happened on our own little faith integration event, as we stayed up late discussing our differences in our religions.  We spent a lot of time with two Muslim women that were our age. We talked about customs and similarities and differences in our two religions. One of the girls, Samia, but better known to us a “Shaniqua” spent much of the night perfecting her American accent which oddly enough sounded like it had a lot of “Southern Soul” to it. We laughed much of the night! It turned out to be the most valuable experience thus far to coming to England.
Some may have thought that we would not experience the culture that some of the other teams are experiencing in their countries, but we feel blessed, because we really are being surrounded by many cultures!
If you look at my previous post, I have a link to my flatmates blog and she really has done a beautiful job explaining the events of this weekend! Have a read!

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